Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Why would I want to be Paris' friend anyway?

I did something stupid yesterday.
It began innocently enough, really. I was channel surfing. Maybe I had my guard down. At any rate, it happened.
I saw an entire episode of Paris Hilton's new reality show on MTV.
I don't care to devote any energy into disparaging it - I don't even want to justify that kind of garbage with a comment - except to make one point. In the pilot of said program, a girl is kicked out of the contest for refusing to dye her hair black at Paris' request - as Paris puts it, "friends take each other's advice, and you didn't take my advice."
Ugh, I take such issue with that logic. It's petty (for that matter, the fact that I'm writing about this is REALLY petty) and poorly conceived. Now, I've only had two BEST friends in my life - Courtney, my sister, and AS, whom I dated for five years. One could argue that ASB and KD were my best friends from childhood, and KH, BR, BB and maybe even MB and JT are my best friends now. The point I want to make is that none of these exceptional individuals would ever pose that kind of ultimatum. It's not...friendly. It's not what friends do.
I think the reason this is irking me so is because I was witness to the failure of a very close friendship about a year ago. Two women I knew and loved - and who were closer, at least emotionally, than many married couples - fell completely apart because one friend politely declined to take the other's advice on a guy she was casually dating. (It should be noted that this was NOT a Lauren-Heidi-Spencer situation. The guy wasn't a winner, but he wasn't Spencer, either.) From my vantage point, I couldn't understand WHY the one friend was so harsh, especially in light of the pain it caused the other friend. I still can't grasp it, and these girls haven't spoken in over a year.
I can't stand Paris, either. Anyone so self-involved should never have so much attention.

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