Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I had the CRAZIEST dream last night.

It started with me dog-sitting for the S family again.
I showed up at their house around 10pm, let the dogs out, then went to sleep in J&A's room (since that's where I stay when I sleep there). Around 5am, Dally needed to go out, so I got up and went downstairs.
Here's the first crazy part - the back door was wiiiide open, so when I let the dogs out, I went out on the porch to investigate. There was some creepy guy - like 5'10", white, around my age - crouched below the patio table. I freaked out and screamed or something, then ran inside and slammed the door. (Magically the dogs got back inside again before I slammed the door.)
I shut off all the lights, and the creepy guy came up to the door and put his face against the glass! I started yelling that I was going to call the cops, ran around to make sure all the doors and windows were locked, then picked up the phone. Of course the line was cut, so I couldn't call out. The creepy guy was snearing at me from the window, and I was trying to act as threatening as possible, so I ran upstairs to grab my cell phone. For some reason my phone was in another room, so I locked myself in that room and dialed 911 about a million times. Every time I'd get a busy signal (of course, right? It's a dream).
This is when it got really weird. I grabbed the mace out of my purse and ran downstairs, thinking that if I could just open the door and mace the guy it would solve all of my problems. (The dogs were being no help whatsoever - they were just as frightened as I was.)
When I got downstairs, A had let the guy inside. WHAT THE CRAP, J&A were home the whole time?! The guy was trying to attack A, so I maced him, and then the two of us more or less chased the guy around the house for a little while.
THEN, as if things could get more weird, KH and AJS showed up! They were sleeping in one of the upstairs bedrooms! Slowly allllll of my friends started coming out of the rooms - BB, KK, even AB and the rest of the kids who lived in Newsom. It was some kind of warped CSU reunion, and all of us ended up in the S's livingroom at 5am.

I think I need to lay off the NyQuil.

1 comment:

Amos said...

Dude..NyQuil will do that to you. It's bad stuff. I refuse to take it anymore because it gives me the scariest dreams ever.