Saturday, January 29, 2011

Unexpected Sparks

It's been a long time since I've posted a REAL entry in here.

My friend and I had a CIP (a conversation-in-passing: just a quick talk that meant nothing at the time, but which I ultimately thought about for hours) about our blogs and our friends who blog and how sometimes people write a lot of crap about things that don't matter. Friend seemed annoyed at the unspoken obligation to read her friends' every thought. The part of the conversation that caught me like a run in my tights, though, was when she said, "Most of my friends are writing about being a newlywed or their job, but you're in seminary - THAT'S cool." I don't think that's any cooler or less-cool (what an amorphous concept anyhow) than newlywed-hood or a job. AND, what's more, my being a seminarian is not the point of this blog!


I had such a lightbulb moment. I started this blog to reflect on the unexpected sparks in my life and in the lives of the people I love. I realized that I have completely lost touch with that point. It's time to get back to it!
I sit before my laptop this morning in pink flannel giraffe pajamas. My empty coffee cup begs to be refilled, and so many unexpected sparks flood my mind.
1) I'm going to Disneyland tonight! My classmate TR has access to free tickets, so back in October we made plans to drive down for a quick break before spring semester started. We recruited a great group of people to join us, so tomorrow morning, eight 25 and 26-year-olds will descend on the Magic Kingdom. I think we'll just do laps on Splash Mountain.
2) I sorted through some pictures from the fall last night (I'm still learning iPhoto) and remembered again what a great life this is. Somehow, even though I studied my ever-living butt off last semester, I managed to fit in a LOT of active fun - hiking at Point Reyes, skiing at Tahoe, a football game in San Diego, trips home and to South Dakota, a million dinner parties. Cheers!
3) I just spent a whole month at home. Talk about the Happiest Place on Earth.
4) The Buried Life. If you haven't seen this, you're seriously missing out. Watch an episode or two here.
That should be enough for now. Happy Saturday!